Sebastian Flaherty-Tesoriero


Sebastian Flaherty-Tesoriero is an Associate in Coleman Greig’s Family Law team. A strong advocate, Sebastian works with family law clients from a range of diverse backgrounds.

Empathetic and understanding of the emotional toll that family law matters can have on clients, Sebastian takes the time to understand their unique situation.

He provides pragmatic and easy to understand advice to ensure clients are fully informed at every stage regarding their legal options, and the possible costs and timeframes. Crucially, Sebastian identifies his clients’ long-term objectives, working at all times to achieve the best outcome.

Commercially minded, Sebastian has a particular interest in the financial considerations and impacts of separation. This includes circumstances where there are significant assets, assets overseas, and complex business and trust structures.


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“I am mindful that clients’ have a life outside their legal needs, whether that be work, school pickup/drop off or a preference as to when to receive a phone call, and I endeavour to cater to that if possible.” - Sebastian Falherty-Tesoriero

  • Negotiated and reached a settlement in a complex financial settlement case involving traumatic injury, business entities, and inter and intra state and third-party shareholders.
  • Acted in financial settlement cases involving consideration of significant initial contributions, financial gifts and/or loans from family members, third party interests and family violence and its impact.
  • Acted in a Hague Convention matter for the Respondent. There were significant allegations of family violence and we were ultimately able to secure an outcome which permitted my client to remain living with the child in Australia.
  • Acted in parenting cases involving complex issues such as significant family violence, drug and alcohol abuse, mental ill health and alienation, including obtaining expert evidence to address such issues.
  • Prepared and advised in relation to pre, during and post-separation financial agreements

  • Bachelor of Applied Finance with Bachelor of Laws, Macquarie University
  • Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, College of Law
  • Member of Law Society of NSW
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