
Sam Hutchinson is a Lawyer in Coleman Greig’s Family Law team.

Sam works across all areas of Family Law but has a wide-ranging focus on property settlements and parenting matters. He works with clients to try and get the best possible outcome without having to go to court.

Sam uses a pragmatic approach with clients and enjoys getting to know who they are as a person. He maintains direct communication with clients and outlines complicated legal issues in plain English to ensure they have a thorough understanding of the family law process.

During his studies, Sam worked as a legal clerk and graduate legal clerk in Coleman Greig’s Family Law team exclusively from August 2020.

Outside of law, Sam dedicates a lot of his time to volunteer work. He is a Group Facilitator with Conviction Group which focuses on health – particularly the mental health of young people. He has volunteered abroad in both Fiji and the Solomon Islands.

Doyle’s Guide, Recommended Law Firm – Family Law, 2021 – 2023



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“My biggest focus when looking at a matter is to approach it empathetically, and to understand my client. From there my emphasis is ensuring that the advice I give is considered and practical to ensure a fair, efficient and cost-effective outcome”. – Sam Hutchinson

  • Drafting Applications for Consent Orders (in relation to parenting and property matters);
  • Matters with high-net-worth clients with complicated tax issues, companies, trusts and self-managed superannuation funds;
  • Matters with issues of non-disclosure;
  • Appearance at Mediation and Court (including Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia, and NSW Local Court); and
  • Matters with complicated parenting issues relating to risk.

Bachelor of Commerce with the Degree of Bachelor of Laws (Macquarie University)
Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice (College of Law)
Law Society of NSW

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