Quin Rijnders


Quin Rijnders has more than 16 years of experience in providing forensic accounting and technology services across a range of sectors including financial services, higher education and federal and local government bodies. She adopts an entrepreneurial mindset and has a strong focus on maximising value for clients by getting the right multidisciplinary team for the job.

Quin’s main area of expertise is in reconstructing and building chronologies of financial transactions and processes, forensic data analysis, computer (cyber) forensics and eDiscovery. She is well experienced as a leader of large data and technology work streams on various compliance and regulatory remediation projects.

Before joining BDO, Quin led forensic technology teams at a global consulting firm and was lead finance business partner at a large Australian University. The focus throughout her career has been to use technology on financial records and associated information, to defensibly integrate and manage data flows in the context of regulatory and other compliance investigations, reconstruct facts as well as achieve exceptional outcomes in regulatory remediation projects.

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