
Morris Maroon is a Principal Lawyer within Coleman Greig’s Tax and Superannuation team.

Morris has over 30 years’ experience in corporate and international tax and has practised both in Australia and overseas.

He specialises in providing his clients with practical and sophisticated tax solutions.

Morris’ areas of expertise includes international tax planning, inbound and outbound structuring, and due diligence work. He has substantial experience in  capital gains tax, payroll tax, GST, stamp duty and dealing with the Australian Taxation Office in respect to tax disputes.

Dealing with complex taxation matters allows Morris to draw on his skills from multiple industries to produce practical and timely solutions for his clients.

Morris has a background of over 27 years in the big four chartered accounting environment. His in-depth understanding of taxation matters gives him a thorough understanding of the practical, accounting and legal implications of all business transactions.

Unique to other advisors, Morris thinks outside the square about how he can reach the most practical solution for his client.


People like us

“I add value by helping my clients improve their business outcomes, whilst remaining compliant, and have helped multinational groups, listed entities, private companies and high net worth individuals” - Morris Maroon

  • Specialist expertise across a broad range of industries including property, retail, manufacturing, aviation, IT and import distribution industries.
  • Experienced in providing taxation advice to accountants, financial advisors and lawyers.
  • Expert in international tax planning.
  • Skilled in dealing with the ATO in respect to tax disputes.
  • Experienced in advising clients regarding the complexities involved in setting up a business in Australia and overseas, enabling clients to concentrate on their day-to-day business operations.

Bachelor of Economics Bec
Bachelor of Laws LLB
Law Society of NSW
Institute of Chartered Accountants

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How to Avoid the Risks and Traps of Small Business Structuring
30 January 2020 @ 07:30 AM - 09:15 AM

There are a number of key issues to consider from the outset to avoid the risks and traps of small business structuring. In this seminar, Morris Maroon, expert in corporate and international tax will explain how to expertly tailor a business structure to maximise asset protection. Morris will explain the top level structuring strategies in…


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