Mahwish Malik


Mahwish Malik is a Special Counsel in Coleman Greig’s Wills & Estate Planning team. An experienced practitioner, Mahwish specialises in estate planning, trusts, wealth protection and superannuation.

Mahwish provides a high level of technical expertise in estate planning services for individuals, families, high net worth clients and clients with complex personal circumstances or asset structures.

Her particular interest in trusts means that she has substantial experience in reviewing family trust deeds from an estate planning perspective, and preparing trust documents.

Mahwish understands the importance of wealth protection for her clients. She can advise on risk of legal claims from potential claimants and implementing strategies to minimise risk. Well-versed in superannuation in regards to estate planning, Mahwish can advise and prepare binding death benefit nominations to align with a client’s unique needs.

She prioritises clear and timely communication and advice at all times. This includes discussing the available options so that clients can determine what best suits their needs and objectives.

At all times, Mahwish works collaboratively with trusted advisers including financial advisers and accountants to achieve her clients’ desired estate planning outcomes.


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“This is an area of law that clients can often find emotional and challenging to deal with. In such cases, I take a more empathetic and compassionate approach.” – Mahwish Malik

  • Strategies to allow for succession of family wealth and control of entities.
  • Complex Wills including testamentary trusts and bespoke provisions to meet specific wishes of clients
  • Powers of Attorney and Appointments of Enduring Guardian documents
  • Developed and led a national central drafting team for estate planning
  • Trained and mentored junior staff in the area of estate planning
  • Working in trustee companies and private practice in the area of Estate Planning
  • Estate planning for parents who then refer their adult children for their own estate planning
  • Tax effective and asset protective estate plans

  • Member of Law Society of NSW
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