
Eleanor Lee is a Lawyer in Coleman Greig’s Dispute Resolution and Employment Law & WHS team.

A strong litigator, Eleanor has a particular interest in commercial disputes, debt recovery and retail leasing disputes.

Her clients include individuals and corporate clients, primarily small and medium business owners. Having previously worked in an in-house legal role within a corporate environment, she has a unique appreciation for the commercial realities facing businesses.

Eleanor believes in open communication and thoroughly understanding the needs and wants of her clients. This enables her to tailor her strategy on a case-by-case basis for each client.

She has previously worked in Family Law and Criminal Law.


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  • Acting in debt recovery matters
  • Acting in dispute and resolution matters
  • Acting in commercial disputes
  • Acting in financial fraud matters
  • In-House roles inside the retail leasing sector, acting for landlords

  • Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice from the College of Law
  • Diploma of Law (Law Extension Committee NSW) from the University of Sydney
  • Bachelor of Arts (Political Science) from the Australian National University
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