Con Pavlis


Con Pavlis is a Consultant within Coleman Greig’s Commercial Law team.

Con is a highly experienced lawyer who excels in relationship management and his attention to detail ensures clients receive the best possible outcome.

Well-versed in commercial law, Con has achieved excellent results for a wide range of clients, from large corporations through to family businesses and individuals.

A strong believer in guiding clients through the complexities of their matter, Con takes the time to break the process down step-by-step so that clients know what is happening throughout their matter.

Fluent in Greek, Con has previously undertaken community work for the Greek Orthodox Church and the Lerian Brotherhood.


People like us

“I bring extensive experience to all my clients’ matters with more than 40 years’ experience in the law” - Con Pavlis

  • 40 years of running his own law firm, Constantine G Pavlis & Co in Five Dock
  • Commercial law
  • Property transactions

Law Society of NSW

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