Anne Fulwood


Anne Fulwood made her mark as one of Australian television’s best-known and most respected journalists. Now she operates her own media consultancy company and is a sought-after corporate host and facilitator.

After establishing herself on the Channel 10 Late News and network news presentation on Channel 7, she made her corporate switch. During that time she became well known and respected as a corporate, government and charity MC. She is now focusing much more on that realm. Anne has connections across business, politics, the arts, sport and the media, and is an engaging and entertaining speaker. Her credentials as a corporate host and MC speak for themselves. She has hosted events on behalf of the Prime Minister, Federal and State government ministers, as well as major corporate entities. In 2007 Anne was appointed by the Commonwealth of Australia as the official spokesperson for the APEC Summit. Her interest in the arts is widely acknowledged – she serves on the Board of Trustees of the Art Gallery of New South Wales.

Anne has a broad range of interests, including corporate communications and presentation and contributions to community and philanthropy. She has worked with numerous leading corporations, CEOs and representatives of Government during her extensive career. From a rural family, she has a strong interest in primary industry, and sustainability for the future. Of particular interest is the River Murray and maintaining the health of our water resources for future generations.

Anne is an enthusiastic collector and supporter of Australian contemporary art. She retains her passion for news and current affairs and popular culture, and believes in contributing towards business/corporate and community partnerships.

She’s also trying, with little time or success, to lower the golf handicap!

Anne has served on the Council for Australian Honours, the Film and Literature Board of Review, the National Film and Sound Archive (ScreenSound Australia). She has also served on the ‘The Eye Foundation’ board.

Anne’s strengths are engaging with people, her outstanding professionalism and warmth of presentation, and broad range of interests. In the business of communications, she’s one of the best!

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Celebrate International Women’s Day with Anne Fulwood and Karina Adcock
8 March 2012 @ 12:00 PM - 02:30 PM

Coleman Greig Lawyers, in conjunction with our sponsors St George Bank, Moore Stephens and 360HR, would like to invite you to join us to celebrate International Women’s Day with one of Australia’s best-known and respected journalists, Anne Fulwood who will showcase the success story of leading female entrepreneur Karin Adcock, President of Pandora Australia. Hear…


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