
Andrew Banna is a Principal Lawyer and Accredited Specialist in Coleman Greig’s Family Law Team.

Andrew has significant expertise across all areas of Family Law and has specialised in the area for more than 15 years. Prior to joining Coleman Greig, he managed his own practice for over a decade.

He has successfully concluded many matters for clients in regard to complex property matters relating to businesses & trusts, forensic accounting, third party claims and inheritances as well as workers compensation payouts.

Andrew is highly experienced in parenting matters including circumstances involving allegations of abuse and family violence, parental incapacity, relocation of a child and paternity.

Andrew regularly represents his clients at the The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia and also appears at the Local Court to assist clients with Police matters that can arise following the breakdown of their relationships.

Andrew enjoys writing about legal topics in Family Law in a plain English manner so that clients and the wider community are informed on important and evolving issues.

Winner – ‘Family Law Partner of the Year’, Lawyers Weekly Awards – 2023

Doyle’s Guide, Recommended Law Firm – Family Law, 2021 – 2023



People like us

“I approach all of my matters in a client focused manner with the view of reaching a resolution without the need of incurring substantial legal cost. I present solutions to my clients that are clear and concise”. - Andrew Banna

Doyle's Guide, Recommended Law Firm - Family Law, 2021 – 2023

  • Resolving property matters which involve complex issues relating to businesses and trusts.
  • Employing forensic accounting including tracing of expenditure by parties.
  • Property matters which involve lump sum contributions such as inheritances and worker’s compensation payouts.
  • Property matters which involve third party claims.
  • Parenting matters which involve allegations of abuse and family violence.
  • Parenting matters with issues relating to parental incapacity stemming from drug and alcohol abuse.
  • Parenting matters which involve relocation of a child.
  • Child support matters relating to paternity of a child.

Bachelor of Laws
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
Accredited Specialist, Family Law
Law Society of NSW

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