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Peter Bobbin recognised in the 2022 Doyle’s Guide as a Recommended Tax Lawyer

Coleman Greig’s Peter Bobbin has been recognised in the 2022 Doyle’s Guide as a Recommended Tax Lawyer in New South Wales.

The Doyle’s Guide acknowledges practitioners within the legal market that have been identified by clients and peers for their expertise in the area.

Peter has over 30 years’ experience. He is well known for his fine planning and strategic skills in the areas of tax, estate and business succession planning, commercial structuring, trusts, ATO litigation management, regulatory compliance and general commercial issues.

Peter is passionate about his practice. His open communication style allows his clients to understand the issues from a practical perspective, working with them to provide tailored solutions to achieve successful outcomes.

Coleman Greig’s taxation team is made up of highly skilled lawyers with experience from top-tier legal practices and large accounting firms. Our team provides strategic and practical advice to a range of clients on a national basis, including public and private groups, small to medium sized enterprises and high net-worth individuals.

For more information, contact our Taxation team.


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