Coleman Greig Lawyers & Argyle Lawyers Integration – 2 December 2019

Coleman Greig Lawyers is delighted to announce an integration with specialist law firm Argyle Lawyers, effective 2 December 2019. The integrated Coleman Greig will now offer expertise in Federal, State and International tax advice, negotiation and risk management, as well as superannuation and trusts.

With the new year just around the corner, CEO Warrick McLean believes this integration is a significant milestone.

“We are both solutions focussed, and combined, we significantly strengthen our commercial and personal suite of services.  Having the Argyle team within Coleman Greig offers clients access to the 2015 Tax Institute Advisor of the Year (SME) as well as an Accredited Specialist in Taxation Law and dual qualified lawyers/Chartered Accountants who can provide advice on a national level.”

Argyle Lawyers’ Principal Lawyer, Peter Bobbin will become a Principal Lawyer with Coleman Greig and lead the firm’s Taxation and Superannuation team.

On his team’s move to Coleman Greig Lawyers, Peter Bobbin said:

“Being at the forefront of our field has allowed us to be an influence on taxation and other laws that impact on the lives and well-being of people and commercial entities.  We are regularly appointed as key managers of ATO audits and disputes where we can add significant strategic insight.  Joining the team at Coleman Greig will allow us to put our client focussed tax, superannuation and other planning into greater effect.”

The expanded legal powerhouse Coleman Greig will continue operations from its four locations (Parramatta, Norwest Business Park, Penrith and Campbelltown-Macarthur) as well as operating from the current offices of Argyle Lawyers in the Sydney CBD.

Clients of Argyle Lawyers will now have access to Coleman Greig’s full suite of services including regular legal updates, access to in-house training, seminars and briefings, participation in community events such as the Coleman Greig Challenge and networking opportunities such as the Women in Business Forum.


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