Casually dressed female colleagues talking in a meeting room

Women in Business rally for their men and raise over $6,000 for Movember

Caroline Hutchinson ||
On Friday, 29 November the Coleman Greig Women in Business community gathered at Rydges Hotel, Norwest in support of men’s health and raised over $6,000 for Movember! Three-time national triathlon champion, mother of five and now CEO, Nici Andronicus and singer/songwriter and actor, Johnny Ruffo shared their personal stories with almost 200 attendees on the day.

Passionate Movember Ambassador and Doctor Isobelle Smith was also in attendance and shared the heartbreaking story of how she lost her dad, Peter, to lymphoma. She reminded us of the importance of seeking help early, whether it be physical symptoms or a mental health condition.

“It is no longer about women or men supporting each other, it is about people supporting people” Isobelle said.

Nici Andronicus shared her story of courage and the art of never giving up. As an athlete she had to jump many hurdles and endured personal battles, including supporting her husband through a rare form of brain cancer, which thankfully he survived. She is a passionate advocate and has dedicated her life to giving back to others and making a difference in the lives of people around the world. Her resilience truly inspired the entire Women in Business community.

Brain cancer survivor and advocate, Johnny Ruffo shared his story of how he survived brain cancer, using his music as a creative outlet. He reminded us that we can all play a small part in the bigger picture and that every little bit of help counts.

“Your small sacrifice or gesture can make a world of difference to the person on the receiving end” Johnny said.

Coleman Greig Principal/Director Caroline Hutchinson closed the lunch and announced that the Women in Business community has raised over $280,000 for various charities over the last 12 years. The Forum’s International Women’s Day speaker for 2020 will be Australian domestic violence campaigner and 2015 Australian of the Year, Rosie Batty. This special event will be held in conjunction with Western Sydney University’s Women of the West Awards at The Waterview Sydney Olympic Park on Friday, 13 March 2020.

The attendees left feeling inspired and understanding the importance of speaking up and seeking help early, which will ultimately result in helping our men live longer.


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