

Independent contractors and the super trap

The issues of accrual of leave entitlements, workers compensation obligations, payroll tax, responsibility for PAYG instalments and superannuation all have slightly different tests in determining whether or not the relationship is one of employee/employer or principal/subcontractor.

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Businesswoman hands using laptop with icon social media and social network.

Responding to Social Media Reviews

Decisions surrounding everyday purchases are now often made following an online review of businesses’ social media accounts. Whilst the ability to post reviews on social media has given consumers the power to provide instant feedback, it has also given rise to ‘trolling’.

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Macro Shot with Augmented Reality: IT Administrator Plugs in RJ45 Internet Connector into LAN Router Switch. Cables with Virtual Graphichs Showing Data Transfer.

GDPR in Australia – is Your Business Compliant?

The European Union’s (‘EU’) new General Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) came into effect on 25 May 2018. Whilst Europe is over 14,000km from Australia’s sandy shores, its data protection laws are only a click away.

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deadline calendar note with blur background of business woman hand counting her debt on calculator with hand holding credit card in background

Debt Recovery – If all else fails – the last resort

Most people immediately think about legal action when they hear the phrase “debt recovery”. While formal proceedings are certainly one way in which a debt can be pursued, it is not always the best way. Court proceedings are typically time consuming and expensive.

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Two keys with split key rings with pendant in shape of house

What Does Same-Sex Marriage Mean for Property Proceedings?

In part two of our same-sex marriage blog posts, we discuss what same-sex marriage means for property proceedings. Overall, the introduction of same-sex marriage will see same-sex couples have greater access to legal protections surrounding both financial and parenting matters.

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Australian money, AUD calculator, and notebook, copy space background

Make it hard for your customers to owe you money

Many businesses, particularly those that are struggling with cash flow, overlook some of the simplest debt prevention tools.   One of the easiest ways to immediately improve cash flow is to design (or simply decide upon), implement and routinely use good billing practices.

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Executive hands indicating where to sign contract

Ipso Facto Clauses – There’s change on the way

An important change in law arising from the raft of recent Insolvency reforms concerns enforcement of ‘ipso facto’ clauses in contracts. As the change will impact on how you contract and do business with your customers, it is important to both understand the change and put measures in place to deal with it.

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