
Lawyer provide legal advice. Attorney at law, consultant.

Is it your Solicitors role to say exactly what you want them to?

Solicitors who are well versed in family law should have the ability to get their client’s point across without the use of inflammatory or unnecessarily aggressive language. Furthermore, although it is trite to say, “sometimes you catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar”, there is a time and place for being firm and insistent in correspondence, but the line between being firm and being rude must be walked appropriately.

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Business and lawyers discussing contract papers with brass scale on desk in office. Law, legal services, advice, justice and law concept picture with film grain effect

Updates to the Commonwealth Court’s Online Filing System

Alongside the recently implemented changes in the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court systems, court staff are now looking to streamline the online filing process in order to ensure that both solicitors and self-represented litigants have an efficient method available to provide the court with documents.

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Business meeting

TGIF – How does the professional workforce feel about Fridays?

It’s fair to say that a lot has changed in the professional world in the 50+ years since ‘Friday On My Mind’ hit the charts, but according to both recent research and anecdotal evidence, nothing much has changed in employee attitudes towards Fridays: workers hang out for the end of the week, and generally speaking, Friday is far from favourable in terms of getting things done around the office.

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2019 Women of the West Awards – Nominations Now Open

At Women in Business we can’t think of anything better than to be recognising the extraordinary contribution that women make to Western Sydney. Nominate a colleague, friend, acquaintance or family member for a Women of the West Award in 2019.

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Angry dissatisfied couple arguing meeting lawyer or manager having legal fight about a will.

“Insight” into Binding Financial Agreements

Malcolm Gittoes-Caesar recently had the pleasure of representing Coleman Greig as a participant on SBS’ Insight program, where he was given the opportunity to discuss Binding Financial Agreements. Here, Malcolm gives his 5 key takeaways from the show, why to implement them, and how to go about doing so in an effective manner.

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Business couple having another dispute

Romance in the Workplace – Yay or nay?

Many workplaces have sexual harassment policies in place to protect their employees, but often do not know how to navigate consensual romantic relationships. Here’s why your organisation needs a Relationships in the Workplace Policy and what it should look like.

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Young man in handcuffs

Criminal Record Discrimination: How Should Workplaces Handle Employee Criminal Histories?

While there are no discrimination laws with enforceable consequences relating to criminal record in New South Wales, it is important for employers to take care when balancing questions surrounding the employee’s right to work, whether they had served their time, and whether their employment would result in any sort of risk to other employees or customers, or to the reputation of the organisation.

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Suburban street new row houses modern high density living environment

A Millennial’s Dream: To Lease a House

The First Home Owner Grant has always been a topic of heated debate, whether it be in parliament, the media or at the family dinner table, although it is important to remember that there is a difference between this and the First Home Buyers Assistance Scheme.

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Business people negotiating a contract

Introducing the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act 2017

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has recently put in place a new industry funding regime based on the ‘user pays’ principle.  The ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Act 2017 aims to fund ASIC’s operation through charging entities that both require and benefit from the commission’s regulation.

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A Lesson In What Not To Do On Social Media: Elon Musk’s Recent Tweetscapades

Elon Musk recently found himself in hot water when his diving pod, which had been designed to rescue the 13 boys who had been trapped in a cave, was criticised for being unsuitable for the specific conditions of the rescue.  
Instead of agreeing to disagree, Musk fired back with a string of offensive and truly cringe-worthy tweets, insinuating that Vernon Unsworth, one of the cave divers, was a paedophile.

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Downsizing: Honey, I shrunk the house!

Generally speaking, downsizers are homeowners looking to reap major profits from the sale of their properties, with the overarching goal being to spend that extra cash on the purchase of a smaller property with modern luxury fittings, as well as convenient access to both local attractions and high quality amenities.

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