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Family Law in Western Sydney – A Snapshot

As many Australians would remember, the 2016 Census was memorable for all the wrong reasons. Despite the numerous outages on the online Census portal, the Census was successfully completed. Now that we have had an opportunity to analyse the data and information, this update provides a quick snapshot of some key statistics in the Penrith Local Government Area (Penrith LGA) which encompasses surrounding suburbs such as Kingswood, Cranebrook and Mulgoa. 

The Penrith LGA experienced an increase of population of nearly 200,000 people when compared with the 2011 Census data (Australian Bureau of Statistics). It remains clear that Penrith and Western Sydney is a growing hotspot for businesses and families alike.


You will notice that the Penrith LGA 2016 Census data was by and large consistent with the overall Australian data and the 2011 data. So what does this tell us? You might think not a lot, but Western Sydney continues to experience large population growth, growing at double the national rate. With projects like the Western Sydney Airport, increased infrastructure, housing and jobs will ensure that the Western Sydney region remains a hub for development and young families.

Not shown in the 2016 Census data, but noted in recent media reports is the fact that Penrith LGA is currently one of the hardest-hit areas in the state with regard to reports of domestic violence (not to mention the countless incidents that go unreported).  Unfortunately, Penrith is not alone in these numbers – with the neighbouring Blacktown area showing the highest number of domestic violence incidents in NSW: with 2083 in the year up until March 2017.

At Coleman Greig we often see domestic violence as the primary factor in a couple looking towards divorce proceedings.  The implications of domestic violence are, unfortunately, often far-reaching throughout family law – especially in cases where proceedings relate to parental matters involving children, such as custody and visitation rights.

It is in turn exceptionally important that that the Court is made aware of any relevant domestic violence incidents in forming their judgments.

As a White Ribbon Accredited Workplace, Coleman Greig Lawyers takes a zero-tolerance stance with regard to any and all forms of violence against women.  If you are concerned that you may be a victim of domestic violence, we urge you to seek help via the White Ribbon Australia website.

If you do require assistance with any type of Family Law matter, whether it be a divorce application or a contested Court proceeding, please do not hesitate to get in touch with:


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