Closing the Loopholes: [Another] Employment Law Update
On the last sitting day of parliament of 2023, the government surprised many by passing a raft of significant industrial reforms as part of its Closing the Loopholes Bill. Key changes include:
- Criminalising wage theft
- Regulating labour hire – ‘Same job same, pay’
- Increasing the rights of union delegates
- Strengthening discrimination protections
- Industrial manslaughter
- Closing the small business redundancy exemption ‘loophole’ for larger entities
- Streamlining access to workers compensation for first responders
In this workshop, we will take you through the changes and help you understand how they apply to your business. We will also cover our predictions for further changes in 2024, including the remaining reforms proposed by the original Closing the Loopholes Bill and suggest some ways you can prepare your business.
Finally, we will also cover your obligations with respect to sexual harassment and other unlawful conduct in the workplace and how you can navigate the new positive duty with some practical tips and valuable resources.
Join us for what promises to be a highly practical session.