Franchise Agreement

A man's hand holds a magnifying glass over a contract on a table

Due Diligence: The best investment you can make prior to buying a franchise

Too often, Coleman Greig sees franchisees bypass the vital task of conducting their own due diligence prior to buying a franchise on the basis that it is too expensive, or that it delays the sign-up process.  Instead of viewing due diligence as an expense to the business, franchisees should view the process as an investment, as it provides critical knowledge required to make calculated decisions.

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Auction sign on display outside a house in Melbourne

End of Year Leasing Health Check for Franchise Tenancies

It’s that time of year again, where many of us start to wind down (or in some cases, wind up prior to the Christmas deadlines) and start thinking about whether our house is in order.  As such, Coleman Greig would like to remind you of some of the common pitfalls that we often see in our leasing practice, particularly within the world of franchising. 

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