Casual Employment

Female worker putting vegetable box in shelf

Changes to casual employment – what you need to know

In the past few months, there has been a flurry of activity, discussion and legal changes in relation to casual employees. If you have “casual” employees working on a regular and systematic basis, they may in fact actually be permanent employees entitled to annual leave and other entitlements. This means you may have a substantial back pay issue. 

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Records work hours in a time sheet.

When is a ‘casual’ worker not actually classed as a casual?

The decision handed down in the case of WorkPac Pty Ltd v Skene [2018] FCAFC 131 reasserts the traditional view that you cannot convert an employee who is really a regular full, or part-time employee into a casual simply by calling the employee ‘casual’. Employers must look at the actual facts of the employment relationship in deciding what the real nature of the relationship is.

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