Wendy Machin


Wendy Machin is currently President of NRMA Motoring and Services. She was first appointed to the Board in 2005 and has been re-elected three times. In this role, she is also a Director of the Australian Automobile Association.

Wendy also serves on the Boards of Destination NSW and the National Occupational Licensing Authority (NOLA). She is a Member of the ANZ Stadium Advisory Committee. She also owns and manages a beef cattle property on the mid north coast of NSW where she grew up.

In the past, Wendy has served as a Member of the Migration and Refugee Review Tribunal. She has held various industry and corporate roles and undertaken consulting work for a range of industries.

Wendy was the first woman elected to represent the National Party in the NSW Legislative Assembly in 1985. She held portfolios in Government and Opposition including Minister for Consumer Affairs and Assistant Minister for Roads and Transport. She also served as Deputy Speaker for four years.

Wendy has served as President of Save the Children Fund NSW, Deputy Chair of the Australian Republican Movement and on the National Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. She is also a former Director of Save the Children Australia.

She plays competition netball, swims, rides a motorbike and has recently taken up golf. Wendy is married with three children.

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Resilience in Business and in Life with Kerri-Anne Kennerley
13 June 2013 @ 11:45 AM - 02:30 PM

With special guests Kerri-Anne Kennerley, Ann Sherry AO and Wendy Machin Proudly supporting the Westmead Medical Research Foundation (WMRF) Coleman Greig Lawyers, in conjunction with our sponsors St George Bank, Moore Stephens, the University of Western Sydney and 360HR, is delighted to bring you our next event in the Women in Business calendar for 2013….


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