Ruth Medd


Ruth Medd is a Certified Practising Accountant and former IT professional who has been pursuing a career as a non-executive director since 2000. She is immediate past chair of Australian Ethical Superannuation, a director on the National Foundation for Australian Women and a former director of the NSW Casino Control Authority and the Infants Home at Ashfield. Prior executive roles include Executive Director of the Australian Association of National Advertisers and senior positions with Telstra, the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal and the Federal Government.

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Boardroom Conversations in partnership with Women on Boards
20 September 2016 @ 05:30 PM - 08:00 PM

If you are a current or aspiring female director, please join us at our upcoming Women in Business event being held in partnership with Women on Boards (WoB) – Boardroom Conversations. You can look forward to a highly informative session covering some key issues essential to understanding your role and responsibilities as a director and…


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