Lauren Huxley


On the afternoon of 9 November 2005, 18 year old Lauren Huxley was attacked by an intruder who was inside her home in Northmead, Sydney when she returned from a day at TAFE.  She was found unconscious, lying on the garage floor bound and gagged with horrific head injuries and covered in petrol while fire ravaged the house. On arrival at Westmead Hospital she was given only a five per cent chance of survival.

As inspiration to everyone, Lauren underwent extensive surgery and rehabilitation for the injuries she sustained that day and is now determined to live the ‘normal’ life she was told she would never have.

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Women in Business Lunch with Natasha Stott Despoja AO
16 August 2019 @ 12:00 PM - 02:30 PM

Every two minutes, police are called to a family violence matter. Every week, a woman is killed by a current or former partner.  The next Women in Business Lunch will feature a keynote presentation by former Senator and leader of the Australia Democrats, Natasha Stott Despoja AO. A long-time advocate for gender equality, Natasha has…


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