Geoff Fowlstone


Geoff Fowlstone is a highly experienced strategic communications professional working with organisations to enhance their engagement with media; investors; government and people. With more than twenty-five year’s experience, Geoff is a highly sought after adviser to Directors and Chief Executives, having advised some of Australia’s largest public companies and counting a number of ASX100 listed companies as clients.

His work frequently focuses on highly complex communications challenges requiring careful management of diverse stakeholder needs often on a global scale. As a seasoned crisis expert, Geoff is a regular conference speaker, commentator and writer on crisis management. He is the founder of Fowlstone Communications, a boutique, strategic communications firm which advises clients across a diverse range of industry sectors. Client assignments range from high profile crisis situations, financial transactions, Initial Public Offerings; corporate restructurings; M&A; and the long term management of client’s external communication needs.

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