David Freney


David is a Director at Champion’s Business Growth Advisers and has over 10 years’ experience working with medium to large corporate groups, as well as smaller businesses and high net worth clients.

His clients range across various industries including day surgeries and hospitals, motor vehicle dealers, waste & recycling organisations, financial services, manufacturers, advertising and public relations agencies and other service providers.

Taking pride in his ability to provide a suite of financial and management services, David proactively works with his clients in the areas of budgeting and forecasting, managing banking relationships and debt funding requirements, management and KPI reporting, strategic planning, management advisory, business systems, management of audits, estate planning, and various statutory compliance requirements. His understanding of his clients’ individual business operations also regularly sees him invited to attend Board and management committees.

Over the years David has developed significant expertise and skills, becoming a highly valued member of the Champion’s team and an asset to our clients. In 2015, David’s contribution to the firm and the integral role he plays in the ongoing success of the practice was recognised when he was appointed as a Director of the firm.

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Contractor or Employee – That old chestnut
29 October 2019 @ 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Is my contractor “really” an employee? How do I tell if a person is a contractor or an employee? This is one of the most vexed questions in employment law, but still a very important one, as a lot can hang on the answer: Might I owe leave entitlements? Have I underpaid relative to award…

Contractor or Employee. That old chestnut
5 April 2016 @ 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Is my contractor “really” an employee? How do I tell if a person is a contractor or an employee? This is one of the most vexed questions in employment law, but still a very important one, as a lot can hang on the answer: Might I owe leave entitlements? Have I underpaid relative to award…


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