Family Law

Plain English Guide to Collaborative Family Law

Collaborative practice offers clients an alternative to more traditional lawyer‑led negotiation at court proceedings. A key feature of a collaboration is that the parties involved commit to resolving their family law issues and concerns cooperatively without the threat of court proceedings.

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Plain English Guide to Family Law Mediation

The long delays and backlogs in the Family Courts have been well-publicised.  These delays no doubt cause frustrations, and can be very costly for the parties involved.  For this reason, the court endorses that parties resolve their disputes privately through Family Mediation, one of the more popular Alternate Dispute Resolution (‘ADR’) processes.

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Plain English Guide to Parenting Plans

The law encourages separating parents to reach agreement about matters concerning their children. Parents are encouraged to take responsibility for their parenting arrangements and for resolving parental conflict; to use the legal system as a last resort rather than first resort; to minimise present and the possibility of future conflict by reaching a negotiated agreement; and to regard the best interests of the child as the paramount consideration.

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Plain English Guide to Parenting Issues

This Plain English Guide sets out some of the key provisions of the Family Law Act as it relates to children and what the Court will take into consideration when determining what arrangements should be made and who will have responsibility for the children.

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Plain English Guide to Child Support

When parents separate, proper arrangements need to be made for the financial support of their children. The obligations of parents to provide for their children are governed by the Child Support Scheme. This Plain English Guide sets out some of the more commonly asked questions regarding child support.

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