Employment Law

Plain English Guide on What to do When the Union Comes Knocking

Only a union official that holds a current right of entry permit can enter a workplace. Such a permit is issued by the Fair Work Commission in circumstances where it is satisfied that the relevant person is a “fit and proper person.” The Fair Work Commissions can revoke, suspend or impose conditions on a permit.

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Plain English Guide to Employee or Contractor

Sometimes a person engaged as a contractor may in law be an employee. The line that divides employees from contractors is grey and shifting. Application of Awards and unjust dismissal laws, pay and leave entitlements, and tax and insurance issues all depend on which status applies.

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Plain English Guide to Employment Contracts and Employment Policies

It is important to get the employment relationship right from the outset by clearly communicating to new employees the requirements of their job and the culture, practices and policies affecting the workplace. The most important written parts of this communication are the employment contract and workplace policies and procedures.

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