
NSW Building Commission

The NSW Building Commission’s extraordinary powers

In late 2023, the NSW Government passed the Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 (Amendment Bill). The Amendment Bill established the NSW Building Commission and granted it extraordinary powers to enter construction sites, inspect work and take away information and materials.

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modern slavery statement

Does your business need to give a modern slavery statement?

Modern slavery can taint the supply chain of any Australian business. To mitigate this risk the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) requires certain entities and encourages others to give annual modern slavery statements to the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department.

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An alarm clock and gavel sit upon a calendar on a desk

Holm and Commissioner of Taxation [2023] AATA 3545 (31 October 2023)

On 20 October 2022, Mr Kenneth Holm (Applicant), wrote a letter to the ATO (Respondent) seeking to have his taxable income decreased by $2 for each of the income years from 1999 to 2019 (the relevant years), as well as for 2020 and 2021, for deductions for an estimated 20 work-related text messages he sent each year.

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Four business colleagues stand talking in a meeting room

Buying a Business – The intangible assets

In most business sale transactions, tangible assets such as stock, furniture and equipment are easy to identify, value and justify. It is usually the intangible assets such as tradeable intellectual property, goodwill and know-how that could make or break a business. Not only is it hard to accurately value, but it can also be significantly subjective. What a seller thinks has significant value can be of little value to a buyer and vice versa.

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