Professional lawyer consulting spouses about legal documents

How to Choose the Right Family Law Lawyer

If you have recently separated from your partner or are experiencing difficulties in your relationship and need someone to provide you with advice regarding property settlements and/or parenting issues, it is important to know where to look and what to look for.

There are a few essential qualities you should gravitate towards to ensure you achieve the best outcome – however you choose to proceed with your matter. These qualities are:

  • Experience and knowledge of the law surrounding family law disputes, as well as knowledge of Court processes;
  • Commitment to handle the matter in a cost-effective way;
  • Professionalism; and,
  • Flexibility – both with regards to availability of an individual’s time and attention to your matter and also with regards to your options for either male or female representation.

Dealing with a family law dispute can be a stressful and extremely emotional time and it is important that you are comfortable and confident with the representation you have.

Our Family Law team has five Accredited Specialists and is highly regarded within the legal profession for our experience and expertise. Well-versed in all jurisdictions, we can work with other professionals to help you achieve the best possible outcome for you and your family.

To speak to one of our Accredited Specialists with regards to your family law matter and to gain advice and insight into the best way to proceed with your matter from experienced, knowledgeable and compassionate family law practitioners, please contact:


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