woman with bullying concept

Are you experiencing or escaping family violence? The Federal Government’s Escaping Violence Payment (EVP) Program can help

Nicole Stevens ||

Women in all walks of life are susceptible to domestic violence regardless of their financial status or postcode.  Domestic violence can be perpetrated in a variety of ways including physically, verbally, sexually, emotionally and economically. They can also be subject to behaviour that is threatening, coercive, or seeks to control or dominate them.

As of 19 October 2021, under a two year trial the government will be providing a one off payment of $5,000 to women leaving a violent relationship. The theory behind the payment is to alleviate the financial barrier that sometimes stops women leaving violent relationships and to assist in the cost associated with establishing a life free of fear.

The payment will comprise of up to $1,500 in cash with the remainder available for goods and services or direct payments of bonds, school fees or other support to help establish a safe home. The payment is not means tested and will not impact on other social security payments received.

To claim the payments, women will be required to show evidence of financial stress and of domestic or family violence such as an ADVO, police report or protection order.

Nine service agencies from the UnitingCare Network are delivering the program across the nation. In NSW, women in need of support can contact Wesley Mission on 13 37 22.  For more information – click here.

If you need assistance for putting in place agreements or orders in relation to your children and/or property after a breakdown of your relationship, please contact a member of Coleman Greig’s Family Law Team for a competent and timely service.

If you are in immediate fear for your safety of the safety of a loved one, please contact the Police on 000.


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