Coleman Greig appoints Andrea Galloway to its Board of Directors

The Board of Directors at Coleman Greig Lawyers is excited to announce the appointment of Andrea Galloway as Non-Executive Director, effective as of 31 October 2018.  Andrea is both an executive and non-executive director with more than 35 years’ experience across a number of sectors, including technology, housing and professional services.  Through her appointment to the firm’s Board, she looks forward to actively utilising her professional experience in assisting with the next phase of Coleman Greig’s growth within the greater Western Sydney region.  

Positioned in the heart of Australia’s third largest economy, this year Coleman Greig celebrated 90 years in Parramatta and has become recognised as Western Sydney’s leading law firm.  This ongoing growth has been supported by the recent opening of the firm’s third full-service office in Penrith CBD, and by further exciting news of plans for the 2019-20FY introduction of a fourth office within the region.

“The firm’s Board of Directors is incredibly excited by this recent appointment.  Andrea brings a wealth of leadership experience to the table with a background largely focused on people and culture – two aspects of the organisation that we take incredibly seriously here at Coleman Greig.– Warrick McLean, CEO Coleman Greig Lawyers.

Currently the Managing Director of Evolve Housing, Andrea’s former roles have included President & CEO of Spherion Asia Pacific, Vice President of Lucent Technologies Asia Pacific, Managing Director of AT&T Australia, as well as Regional Director of AT&T Easylink Services Asia Pacific.  Andrea also currently sits on both the Defence Housing Australia Board and the Salvation Army advisory board.

Andrea is both a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Justice of the Peace, and was in both 2004 and 2014 presented with the Australian Telstra Business Woman of the Year award for Innovation.

Commenting on why she made the decision to join Coleman Greig’s board, Ms Galloway said: 

“I have long been an admirer, both of what Coleman Greig is doing and has done for Western Sydney, so I was immediately attracted by the opportunity to contribute to their continued success as an innovative and progressive contributor to the greater Western Sydney community and beyond.” 

Current Non-Executive Director Peter Jollie AM will retire from the Board in December 2018.  Having played a pivotal role since his appointment in August 2012, Coleman Greig would like to recognise Peter for his valuable contribution to supporting the firm’s strategic growth over the past six years, and for bringing great wisdom and experience to the role.

As part of Coleman Greig’s active plans for expansion within the region, both organically and through strategic acquisitions, the firm is looking forward to the appointment of a second Non-Executive Director with a particular focus on technology and innovation in the coming year. 


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