Celebrating International Women’s Day with special guest speaker, Tara Moss

Our most recent Women in Business forum, appropriately held on International Women's Day (March 8), was a celebration of the achievements of women throughout Western Sydney, Australia and the world.

This year's International Women's Day (IWD) theme of 'Press For Progress' presented an opportunity to reflect on progress, to call for change and to celebrate those acts of courage and determination made by ordinary women each and every day.

Women in Business forum attendees were lucky enough to witness internationally acclaimed keynote speaker Tara Moss share her insights on a range of topics – including modern representations of women in the media, fiction, politics and public life as she presented her address on an overarching  theme of 'Labels, Leadership and Why We Need More Women's Voices'.

As has been the case with previous Women in Business forums, our IWD 2018 forum helped to showcase the achievements of Western Sydney women by playing host to the Western Sydney University's Women of the West Awards.  

Women in Business and Western Sydney University would like to congratulate this year's winners; Martha Jabour – who won the Community award for her incredibly inspiring work with Grace's Place, and Cynthia Payne – winner of the Business award for her work as CEO of Summitcare, as well as her work as part of the Lucy Mentoring Program.  

Our recent forum looked to raise money in support of The Sanctuary – The Hills Women's Shelter, a NFP organisation providing crisis shelter for women and their children who are fleeing domestic violence.  

We're incredibly proud to say that in total, the forum raised over $15,000 for The Sanctuary – which will go to assist their hardworking staff to provide ongoing safety and support to women and children in need.

A special thank you to everyone who attended this year's International Women's Day Women in Business forum with Tara Moss – the event was a resounding success, especially with regard to the amount raised for The Sanctuary!


Please click above to watch our 2018 International Women's Day forum video recap!


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