2019 Women of the West Awards – Nominations Now Open

Would you like to acknowledge an extraordinary woman who has contributed to Greater Western Sydney?

At Women in Business we can’t think of anything better than to be recognising the extraordinary contribution that women make to Western Sydney.  For the last three years we have been collaborating with Western Sydney University on their Women of the West Awards initiative which culminates with an awards ceremony at our Women in Business International Women’s Day lunch in March 2019. 

The Women of the West Awards honours women in Greater Western Sydney and formally recognises their contribution to the development of the region.  You are invited to join the University in showing your regard and gratitude to a colleague, friend, acquaintance or family member by nominating them for a Women of the West Award in 2019.

Award Categories

Each year, nominees are drawn from a variety of backgrounds including education, health services, local industry, volunteering, environmental groups, government and non-government organisations.

There are three categories in the Women of the West Awards:

  • Woman of the West (Business)
  • Woman of the West (Community)
  • Young Woman of the West (18 to 30 years of age as at 31 December 2018)

It’s easy to nominate a remarkable woman from your profession, community, or network. Simply email womenofthewest@westernsydney.edu.au and state your nominee’s full name, email address and award category (Business, Community or Young Woman) including the reasons you believe this woman should be recognized.  Nominations close on Friday, 9 November 2018.

For further information visit the website https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/community/engagement/women_of_the_west

And don’t forget to save the date for our International Women’s Day lunch in March 2019 to be held at Waterview Bicentennial Park. 


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