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Women in Business Lunch with Jess Hill

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Join us at our upcoming Women in Business event with Jess Hill on Friday, 16 September 2022 at the Parkroyal Hotel, Parramatta.

This event will address the impact of domestic abuse and the importance of always keeping the issue front-of-mind, and the role business leaders have to play in addressing the complex issues of domestic and financial abuse. The statistics indicate 1 in 6 women have experienced physical or sexual violence by a current or former partner (AIHW, 2018). Although domestic abuse can be a difficult subject to discuss in the workplace, a big part of the solution lies in talking opening about it.

We are looking forward to having Jess as our keynote speaker to inspire our community to take action to make meaningful change for Australian women. Jess Hill is a journalist, author and speaker who focuses primarily on social issues and gendered violence. She has won two Walkley awards, an Amnesty International award and three Our Watch awards.

On the day, our fundraising activities will support YourTown, a charity with services young people can access to find jobs, learn skills, become great parents and live safer, happier lives.

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from Jess Hill. You can also register a table of 8 for $1,000!


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Event registration closed.

Event details

Date And Time

16 September 2022 @ 12:00 PM to 02:30 PM


PARKROYAL Hotel, 30 Phillip Street, Parramatta NSW 2150


Sales Ended: 15 September 2022 09:00 AM

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