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Raising Company Value through your Intellectual Property

493 493 people viewed this event.

Challenging economic times, a spate of mergers and acquisitions, and a rise in litigation has thrust IP to the forefront of strategic planning and decision-making.  However, many organisations still fail to understand the real value of their IP, or the potential risks to IP, even when it accounts for such a high percentage of a company’s value.

As stakeholder pressure to raise company value increases, organisations are relying on their in-house counsel to add value through protecting IP and mitigating any risk.

Our next complimentary webinar, co-presented by internationally recognised IP expert and Coleman Greig Principal, Melissa McGrath and intellectual property specialist Catherine Sedgley, will provide an overview of how IP can be used to strategic advantage.

The session will use practical examples and case studies to showcase how to protect, manage and commercialise IP assets with a focus on:

  • Trademarks (appropriate usage, practical tips for governance and monitoring, interaction with ACL and the Tort of Passing Off)
  • Patents (including tips to avoid undermining your rights and application guidelines)
  • Copyright (including defending against allegations of copyright infringements)
  • Design (including the pitfalls of design registration)
  • NDAs, confidentiality and trade secrets

Register now to ensure your organisation is maximising its value through the strategic use of IP – plus earn CLE points!


Event details

Date And Time

19 November 2020 @ 12:30 PM to 02:00 PM


Online Event

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