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Modern Slavery Legislation: Its Impact on Australian Businesses

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In the last 6 months both the NSW and Federal Parliaments have passed Modern Slavery legislation, imposing reporting requirements on businesses with turnover exceeding $50m (NSW) or $100m (Federal). While the direct obligation falls on companies with a turnover exceeding those thresholds, it is inevitable that those companies will make demands on smaller companies in their supply chains for assurances that their supply chains are free from modern slavery risks.

This will mean that compliance requirements extend well beyond those companies that actually have to report… and will require accountants to be familiar with the potential obligations placed on their clients.

The new legislation raises due diligence obligations, similar to the employment of “vulnerable workers” by those down the supply chain from franchisors, or head contractors such as the major supermarket chains, as well as chain-of-responsibility obligations as part of work health and safety obligations in logistics, and compliance with anti-bribery legislation.

Join us at the next Accountants’ Briefing for an overview of the legislation and how it will affect businesses of all sizes. Presented by Coleman Greig Principal Stephen Booth and Senior Associate Dominic Russell, the briefing will provide the information you need to assist your clients with compliance.

The corporate veil is no longer sufficient to shield businesses from taking care and responsibility for what their suppliers are up to, and wearing the legal and reputational risks if they get it wrong.

Turning a blind eye is not an option.

Book now to reserve your place – and don’t forget, this seminar will help to satisfy your CPD requirements.


Event details

Date And Time

29 March 2019 @ 12:30 PM to 02:00 PM


Level 6, Suite 607, 2 - 8 Brookhollow Ave, Norwest

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