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Managing Debt: How to Make It Work For You

523 523 people viewed this event.

Public and private debt have traditionally been viewed through a negative prism. Despite this, private debt in Australia has continued to grow exponentially with few signs that the trend will slow much less stop any time soon.

With more Australians borrowing and lending money, it is important to have an understanding of the risks and benefits of entering into and/or creating debt. Just as it is said that you should make your money work for you, you should, where possible, make your debt work for you.

At this complimentary seminar, Special Counsel and commercial law and insolvency expert, Tim McGrath will discuss:

  • the forms and nature of debt and how to identify them;
  • how, when and why to create debt including as part of asset protection and succession planning;
  • how and when to create securitisation of debt;
  • how and when to transfer or account for debt including in business and in estate planning;
  • using debt as a tool or foundation for asset protection.

Join us for what promises to be a highly practical and thought provoking session – plus earn CPD points!

Can’t attend in person? If you are unable to attend in person, you can register here for an online booking where you will receive a link to a live stream of the presentation.


Event details

Date And Time

20 May 2021 @ 07:30 AM to 09:15 AM


Coleman Greig Boardroom, Level 39, 19 Martin Place, Sydney

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