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Franchising and Licensing – Ways to grow a client’s business and stories from the trenches

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As an accountant or financial professional, you may find yourself being asked for advice on the most appropriate business model to support a client’s growth strategy.

When it comes to choosing the right business model there is no “one size fits all” approach. There is sometimes a prevailing view that a franchise structure is too expensive or is difficult to establish and manage and that licensing provides a simpler alternative. However, the two models are quite different and serve different commercial purposes.

Whether your client chooses to franchise or licence largely depends on the amount of control and the level of ongoing responsibilities they are willing to commit to their business. Whilst a franchise system provides your client with more overall control, it also comes with greater ongoing obligations and is becoming heavily regulated.

At the next Coleman Greig Accountants’ Lunch, our highly experienced intellectual property and franchising lawyer, Catherine Sedgley will review the differences between each business structure and the key points you need to consider when advising clients. Catherine will also share her experiences and insights from working with businesses that chose franchising in order to grow their businesses. Topics will include:

  • How much control does your client really require over the operation of the business?
  • A rose by any other name? When does a business agreement effectively become a franchise?
  • How does the Franchising Code of Conduct affect your client’s business?
  • Considering the financial obligations of each business structure and how they will affect your client
  • What are the long term benefits of each business model?
  • Don’t miss this highly practical and informative briefing – and at the same time helping you to satisfy your CPD requirements.

Places are limited – book early to avoid disappointment.


Event details

Date And Time

23 August 2019 @ 12:30 PM to 02:00 PM


Coleman Greig Boardroom, Level 11, 100 George Street Parramatta

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