Registrations have closed.

Credit Management Essentials Workshop

by Ersel Akpinar, James Ferguson
785 785 people viewed this event.


We are now hosting another workshop on the same topic on Tuesday, 5 December 2023. Click here to register.

One of the key challenges for many businesses is to ensure that their cash flow and credit management procedures are working effectively. From developing Terms of Trade and the protection of assets on the PPSA register, through to credit management and debt recovery, this seminar will provide an overview of the key issues and how your business can address them.

What will be covered?

  • the importance of knowing who your customer is;
  • developing and implementing effective credit policies;
  • getting it in writing: credit applications, Terms of Trade and guarantees;
  • the timely pursuit of recalcitrant debtors and minimising debtor days;
  • cost effective recovery action;
  • the effect of a debtor’s voluntary administration, liquidation, bankruptcy or receivership on your business; and,
  • protection via the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (“PPSA”).

What are the learning outcomes?

  • a refreshed understanding of requirements for effective credit documents, and options and best practice for prompt debt recovery;
  • an awareness and understanding of the practicalities and pros and cons of legal action;
  • an insight into insolvency issues, the risks and possible protections; and,
  • confidence in deciding on the commerciality of pursuing a debt or writing it off.

Who should attend?

Accounts and Credit Management teams will benefit from the highly practical tips, techniques and strategies covered in this seminar.

Regardless of their experience, all participants will find the insight into the legal process concerning debt recovery to be of value.

Join us for what promises to be a highly practical session.

Event registration closed.

Event details

Date And Time

6 December 2023 @ 09:30 AM to 11:30 AM


Coleman Greig Boardrooms, Level 15, 32 Smith Street, Parramatta NSW 2150


Lara Martinsons on +61 2 9895 9219
Email Lara

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