Dividing the assets of a SMSF can be a complicated journey in the event of a relationship break down. Understanding those complexities can assist advisers and their clients to protect those assets and better prepare for the future.
Join Coleman Greig’s Peter Bobbin, one of Australia’s leading experts in tax and superannuation, as he unpacks a raft of issues including:
Issues to consider pre-relationship
- Superannuation is property of a marriage or defacto relationship under Part IIIVB of the Family Law Act 1975
- Financial agreements pre-relationship (pre-nup)
- Practical tips
Issues to consider immediately on separation
- Liability as trustee
- Binding death benefit nominations
Issues to consider in property settlement and divorce
- Valuation of SMSF assets
- Nature of assets
- Indemnities
- Third parties in SMSFs
- Binding death benefit nominations
Your Questions Answered
Email us your questions and we will endeavour to answer them during the course of the webinar.
Can’t attend? Please click here if you would like to access a recording of the webinar.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can help your clients to navigate their SMSFs during a divorce or separation – plus earn CPD points!