
Let’s Talk Trusts: Trust Income and Dividing Wealth held by a Family Trust

Practical Tips and Traps

Trillions of dollars of family wealth is held in discretionary trusts, often for the asset protection and tax effective strategies of an individual. With the introduction of the transfer balance cap rules and the lower super contribution limits, there is no other place to park wealth – hence, the discretionary family trust structure just becomes more popular. But what is commonly designed for one person doesn’t work for multiple people, and no matter the approach, tax will follow.

At this complimentary seminar, Principal Lawyer Peter Bobbin, one of Australia’s leading succession specialists, and Tax Lawyer, Annelise Jeromela will:

  • provide an overview of the character and taxation of trust income
  • explore reasons to make a family trust election
  • outline ways in which to tax effectively divide a family trust

Join us for this practical session at our Sydney CBD office where you will discover valuable tips and tricks for dividing family wealth – plus earn CPD points.

Event details




May 6, 2021


7:30 am AEDT



The Presenters

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