Women in Business Forum

International Women’s Day with special guest speaker, Rosie Batty AO

Join us as we recognise the success of women at the first major Women in Business lunch for 2020 and celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) this March!

We have the privilege and honour to be welcoming Australian domestic violence campaigner and the 2015 Australian of the Year, Rosie Batty as our guest speaker. Rosie began her role as a campaigner after her 11-year old son Luke Batty was brutally murdered by his father. Passionate about raising public awareness on domestic violence issues, Rosie is an advocate for social change. She has influenced national public attitudes, philanthropy, government initiatives and funding, support services and police procedures related to domestic violence in Australia. 

Rosie knows pain no woman should have to suffer and will share her remarkable story with us on the day.

We will also be celebrating and honouring the achievements of Western Sydney women by hosting the Western Sydney University’s Women of the West Awards and announcing the winners at our special lunch. 

All funds raised on the day will go to the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW who are supporting those affected by the drought and recent bushfires. CWA NSW also provides emergency funding to those facing a variety of traumatic circumstances including domestic violence.

Ticket Sales

Become a Member to ensure a priority booking at our special members rate. JOIN NOW!

Bring your staff and clients and strengthen your networks by connecting with other women (and men!) in business. Book a table of 10 for $1,500!

Last year our IWD event sold out quickly so don’t miss out on what promises to be an event to remember!

We look forward to seeing you at this very special lunch.

Event details


Women in Business Forum


March 13, 2020


12:00 pm AEDT


$165.00 (incl. GST)

The Presenters

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