
Estate Tax Traps

Whilst many of our loved ones profess to “still call Australia home”, they are nevertheless living overseas – for work, for love, for holidays, or otherwise. Any extended departure from Australia has the potential to change a person’s Australian (tax) residency status. With that change, the CGT K3 estate planning tax trap is set. Similar tax traps can also be set, including where charitable organisations, superannuation funds and the main residence are involved.

This webinar will be hosted by Head of Coleman Greig’s Wills & Estate Planning Team and Principal Lawyer, Rosemary Carreras. Rosemary will be joined by Peter Bobbin, Coleman Greig’s Principal Lawyer and one of Australia’s leading succession specialists, together with Senior Associate Elizabeth Burnheim will:

  • unpack the law around Australian (tax) residency (in an estate planning context);
  • identify the CGT K3 estate planning tax trap;
  • explore what other estate planning tax traps may be set; and,
  • outline ways to safely disarm them.

Join us for this practical session where you will discover valuable tips and tricks for estate planning tax – plus earn CPD points.

Event details




July 7, 2020


12:00 pm AEDT



The Presenters

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