
Future Talking Trusts: The Latest Updates and Stories from the Trenches

Let’s close off 2021 by talking about Trusts. Trusts and their taxation aspects will be a major talking point in 2022, as the ATO intends to enliven the often-forgotten section 100A in early 2022 with a promised taxation ruling that can result in a hefty tax bill.
At this complimentary webinar, King Tan, Special Counsel along with Elizabeth Burnheim, Senior Associate in the Taxation team at Coleman Greig will present on:

  • Section 100A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth), including why you must start acting now to manage this very live issue and how you can start your preparation
  • Common mistakes made on Trusts
  • Bad trustee resolutions
  • Practical tips and traps
Who should attend?

Anyone who advises on Trusts including accountants and financial planners.


Your Questions Answered

Email us your questions and we will endeavour to answer them during the course of the webinar.


Can’t attend?

Please click here if you would like to access a recording of the webinar.

Event details




December 13, 2021


1:00 pm AEDT



The Presenters

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