
Commercial Contract Essentials

The strength of your commercial contracts are integral to how smoothly your business is managed. Good commercial contracts should, at the very least, be able to minimise your risk, protect your assets and manage your relationships.

From your terms of trade to your credit contracts, guarantees, distribution and service agreements, commercial contracts will form the foundation of your organisation as your business will be guided by these.

This highly practical and relevant webinar will look at some key aspects of a good commercial contract including examples of what types of clauses may come to your aid in protecting your interests, how certain types of contracts can provide you with an extra avenue of enforcement and recovery and what to look for before you sign on the dotted line.

Join Principal/Director, Rebecca Hegarty and Associate, Ana-Maria Cindric from our experienced Commercial Law team at a webinar which will have you rushing back to your business to make sure your commercial contracts stack up under scrutiny.

What will be covered?

•  the importance of understanding exactly who the parties are to a contract

•  your terms or theirs?

•  personal guarantees – should you give them / should you take them?

•  selling on credit, trading terms, the importance of PPSR

•  limitation of liability

•  warranties and indemnities

•  termination of contracts

•  Force Majeure clauses

•  what can go wrong – breach of contract.

What are the learning outcomes?

•  to be able to identify potential issues and risks that might arise from the contractual engagement process and implement strategies to minimise risk from the outset

•  to gain insights into what types of contracts and clauses may be critical to the success of your commercial contracts

•  to gain increased confidence in knowing how to enforce rights arising under your commercial contracts.

Who should attend?

All managers involved in negotiating or overseeing negotiation of contracts.

Your Questions Answered

Email us your questions and we will endeavour to answer them during the course of the webinar.

Can’t attend? Please click here if you would like to access a recording of the webinar.

Event details




November 12, 2021


12:30 pm AEDT



The Presenters

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