
Commercial and Retail Leasing – What you need to know during the current COVID-19 restrictions

The ever changing landscape due to COVID-19 restrictions is presenting many challenges for both tenants and landlords in the commercial and retail leasing space.

Join Andrew Grima, Principal Lawyer at Coleman Greig and head of the firm’s Property team at this complimentary webinar where he will cover the following:

  • An overview and step through of the current regulations in relation to COVID-19 and commercial and retail leases.
  • How the current regulations compare against the previous versions (of last year).
  • How will the Regulations assist landlords and tenants under retail, commercial and industrial leasing arrangements come to a satisfactory resolution?
  • Practical advice to navigate through the likely claims for relief by tenants in the context of the latest regulations – including initiating the negotiation, coming to an agreement and formalising that agreement to avoid a dispute down the track?
  • How to conduct a mediation (in relation to a COVID-19 related tenancy dispute).

Your Questions Answered

Email us your questions and we will endeavour to answer them during the course of the webinar.

Can’t attend? Please click here if you would like to access a recording of the webinar.

Event details




September 16, 2021


12:30 pm AEDT



The Presenters

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