
Australian Tax Residency During COVID-19

Have you or your client stayed in Australia for an extended period of time due to COVID-19? Do you know that they may have become an Australian tax resident? Are you aware of the tax consequences by becoming an Australian tax resident?

Australian tax residency is an important question as it is one of the pillars of the Australian tax system. The rules, however, can be difficult to apply and made even more difficult due to COVID-19. 

Join Special Counsel,  King Tan, from our taxation team at this webinar where he will cover the following:  

  • An overview of the Australian tax residency rules
  • Pressure points on the tax residency rules
  • How COVID-19 has stretched the tax residency rules
  • How the ATO has determined tax residency during COVID-19
  • Tips for strengthening your non-residency tax status if you are a non-resident

Who should attend?

Anyone who has questions on tax residency; anyone who has been in Australia for an extended period due to COVID-19; expats; accountants and professionals advising on tax residency.

Your Questions Answered

Email us your questions and we will endeavour to answer them during the course of the webinar.

Can’t attend? Please click here if you would like to access a recording of the webinar.

Event details




November 18, 2021


12:30 pm AEDT



The Presenters

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