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Lunch with Silvia Damiano Including Western Sydney University’s Women of the West Awards

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How might leadership look in the future? Could understanding your brain be more important than you realise?

Join us in-person at our first major Women in Business lunch for 2022!

Our keynote speaker for the event, S​i​l​​​via Damiano is the founder and CEO of the Ab​out My Brain Institute (2009) that has the purpose of democratising leadership & neuroscience. Our speaker has a passionately held belief, that leaders in our 21st century global economy, and their organisations, must radically change long-held ideas about what constitutes effective leadership.

Silvia provides compelling evidence for her belief while she explores with her audience members the importance of leadership in our personal and professional lives and what it takes to develop the human behind the leader.

Silvia has worked in different countries, across many industries, helping teams and organisations improve business performance. Silvia is a master facilitator on the topics of Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Change, Neuroleadership & Engagement.

We will also be celebrating and honouring the achievements of Western Sydney women by hosting the Western Sydney University’s Women of the West Awards and announcing the winners at our special lunch.
Join us on 29 April where we can re-connect, show our support to each other, and continue our wonderful celebration of Women in Business on this relevant topic for the times we are facing.



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Event details

Date And Time

29 April 2022 @ 11:45 AM to 03:00 PM


Waterview in Bicentennial Park, Bicentennial Drive, Olympic Park


Lara Martinsons on +61 2 9895 9219
Email Lara



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