Corporate Training Services

In today’s increasingly regulated economic markets, developing the skills and knowledge of your employees can help to keep your business competitive.

An investment in the ongoing development and training of your management team and staff can increase productivity and innovation. It can ensure your business complies with any legal requirements, and help you to improve overall customer satisfaction. At Coleman Greig, we understand that you need relevant, informative and practical training on legislative requirements and regulatory matters.

We have been working with client organisations for years, developing training sessions that ensure the management and staff of an organisation understand their legal obligations and responsibilities, the real-world application of legislation and any associated regulations. This includes the implications of not getting it right.

We offer uniquely tailored training sessions to suit your business. These are flexible enough to accommodate your specific needs with regard to timing, number of attendees, content and location. Each session runs for two hours and is highly interactive. Participants have the opportunity to ask questions and cover specific situations of relevance to your business. Training can be conducted in-house at your offices or you may wish to organise an external venue.

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