December 12, 2018

Auction sign on display outside a house in Melbourne

End of Year Leasing Health Check for Franchise Tenancies

It’s that time of year again, where many of us start to wind down (or in some cases, wind up prior to the Christmas deadlines) and start thinking about whether our house is in order.  As such, Coleman Greig would like to remind you of some of the common pitfalls that we often see in our leasing practice, particularly within the world of franchising. 

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Copyrighted Material, Intellectual Property Copyright

Franchising vs Licensing: Making the Right Choice for Your Business

With the current climate, the terms ‘franchising’ and ‘franchise’ can often leave a bad taste in one’s mouth. As such, business owners looking to either expand or leverage a successful business in order to achieve further growth will often explore alternative models, such as licensing. While ‘franchising’ and ‘licensing’ may mistakenly be used interchangeably, they are two distinctly different concepts.

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Dragon Head shoes

Update on the Parliamentary Inquiry into Franchising

It is difficult to ignore the immense amount of press surrounding the recent parliamentary enquiry into the franchising sector and the effectiveness of the Franchising Code of Conduct. The Senate Committee, chaired by Michael Sukkar, has set themselves the task of discovering whether amendments to the Code would result in a more cohesive sector and provide greater support to franchisees.

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